Due: Tuesday, February 25 at 5:00 pm
A console provides a command-line text interface for entering commands and seeing output. Today we have fancy shell programs that support scripts, process control, and output redirection. But simpler consoles can be powerful too. One famous console from popular culture is Joshua in WarGames.
In this assignment, you will add graphics capability to your system and use it to create a snazzy graphical display for your shell. This will unleash your Mango Pi from the shackles of its laptop minder and elevate it into a standalone personal computer running a console that allows the user to enter and execute commands. Neat!
In completing this assignment you will:
- learn how a framebuffer is used as a bitmap to drive a video display
- implement simple drawing routines
- gain greater proficiency with C pointers and multi-dimensioned arrays
After finishing this assignment, the functionality of your system is complete. All that remains for assignment 7 is to add a final touch of usability polish so you can type faster without dropping keystrokes. This system is all bare-metal code you wrote yourself – what a great achievement and sense of satisfaction you have earned with all your hard work!
Get starter files
Change to your local mycode
repo and pull in the assignment starter code:
$ cd ~/cs107e_home/mycode
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull code-mirror assign6-starter
In the assign6
directory, you will find these files:
: library modulestest_gl_console.c
: test program with your unit testsconsole_shell.c
: application program that runs your shell, reading input from the PS/2 keyboard and displaying output to the console. You will use this program unchanged.Makefile
: rules to build console_shell application (make run
) and unit test program (make test
: edit this text file to communicate with us about your submissionstyle_reflection.txt
: a text file that you will edit for your responses to the style reflection prompts
The make run
target builds and runs the sample application
. Use this target as a final step to confirm the full
integration of your fb
, gl
, and console
modules. The make test
builds and run the test program test_gl_console.bin
. This test program
is where you will add unit tests. You will make heavy use of this
target throughout your development.
As with the previous assignment, there is no make debug
option as the simulator does
not implement the necessary keyboard and monitor peripherals.
You can edit the MY_MODULE_SOURCES
list in the Makefile
to choose which
of your modules to build on. (See instructions for use of
MY_MODULE_SOURCES in Assign 3) Configuring your
Makefile to build on all your past modules is a great way to get a preview of your progress toward
achieving the full system bonus.
Core functionality
1) Framebuffer
The base layer of graphics support is implemented in the fb
Start by reviewing the header file fb.h
(available in $CS107E/include
or browse fb.h).
void fb_init(int width, int height, fb_mode_t mode)
void* fb_get_draw_buffer(void)
void fb_swap_buffer(void)
- simple getters for fb settings:
The fb
module allocates and manages the
framebuffer memory and coordinates with the lower-level de
and hdmi
modules to display the framebuffer on an HDMI monitor.
The starter version of fb_init
contains the code from lab6. It allocates the framebuffer memory for the requested width and
height configured for 32-bit depth, each pixel is a 4-byte BGRA color.
This version of fb_init
assumes single-buffered mode. In this mode, there is only one buffer
into which all drawing takes place. This buffer is always active
and on-screen; any changes to the pixel data are immediately displayed.
You will extend fb_init
to support configuring the framebuffer in
double-buffered mode. In this mode, two separate
framebuffers are allocated. The active buffer is the one currently displayed
on-screen; the other buffer that is off-screen is used as the
'draw' buffer. In double-buffered mode, all drawing is done to the off-screen draw buffer.
When ready, the client calls fb_swap_buffer
to swap the two buffers. The
off-screen draw buffer becomes the active on-screen buffer in a single smooth transition.
Additionally, a second/subsequent call to fb_init
should perform
a reinitialization. Any previous memory is deallocated and the framebuffer is
reset for the requested configuration.
Time to test! The test_gl_console.c
test program provides a simple test_fb
Our provided sample unit test configures the framebuffer and uses a
few asserts to confirm the initial state. To test drawing, the unit test writes
to the framebuffer. Assert-based tests cannot be used to confirm what is
drawn to the display, you have to do your own visual inspection. Read over the
provided test code and work out what should be displayed if working correctly.
Then run the test program and confirm what is drawn to the display matches
the expected.
2) Graphics
The graphics library module layers on the framebuffer and provides higher-level drawing primitives to set and get the color of a pixel, draw filled rectangles, and display text.
Start by reviewing the header file gl.h
(available in $CS107E/include
browse gl.h) to see the documentation of the basic drawing
void gl_init(int width, int height, gl_mode_t mode)
void gl_draw_pixel(int x, int y, color_t c)
color_t gl_read_pixel(int x, int y)
void gl_draw_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t c)
void gl_clear(color_t c)
color_t gl_color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
- simple getters for gl settings:
Review the provided gl_init
code that calls on the fb
module to initialize the framebuffer.
Start by writing the simple getter functions that provide a consistent gl
interface to the client. The
versions just turn around and call into fb
, but the client doesn't need to know this. The
client calls gl_init
and gl_draw_...
, without any direct use of fb
Now you're ready to start on the drawing functions gl_clear
, gl_draw_pixel
and gl_draw_rect
Mapping from a pixel's x,y coordinate to the appropriate location within the framebuffer
memory is made easier when you access the memory as a multi-dimensioned array. For a refresher on
that syntax, review the framebuffer lecture and
the exercises of Lab 6.
When accessing the pixel data, be mindful that C does no
bounds-checking on array indexes. If you write to an index outside the array bounds, you step on other neighboring memory with
various sad consequences to follow. Take care to
access only valid memory! Your public functions must also vet locations requested by the client and clip drawing as necessary. For example, a call to gl_draw_pixel
should ignore a request to draw at an x,y location that is outside the framebuffer bounds.
If asked to draw a rectangle that is partially/fully out of bounds, gl_draw_rect
should clip the drawing to only those pixels that are in bounds.
One way for gl_draw_rect
to enforce clipping is iterate over all locations and call the public function gl_draw_pixel
for each and depend on gl_draw_pxiel
to discard/ignore the invalid ones. This simple
approach is easy to get correct, but can be slow because of the
repeated checks. The faster alternative for gl_draw_rect
is to first compute the clipped bounds (i.e. by intersecting requested rectangle with framebuffer bounds) and then directly set only those pixels that are now known to be in bounds.
Time to test! The test_gl_console.c
test program defines a
simple test_gl
to get you started. The provided tests are quite basic, you will need to supplement with additional tests to confirm the full range of functionality. One possibility is to rig up
assert-based unit tests that make a gl_draw_xxx
call followed by calls to
to confirm the pixel color at a location. Such tests confirm
a consistent round-trip between draw and read, however you must also
visually confirm the result that is drawn on the display – that's the real deal!
Be sure to also include test cases that confirm the correct clipping behavior.
Use your gl
module to draw something that makes you happy: your favorite country's flag (vaba eesti!), SMPTE color
bars, the Mandelbrot
set, Sierpinski's
carpet, …
3) Text-drawing
The final two functions to implement for the graphics library are:
void gl_draw_char(int x, int y, char ch, color_t c)
void gl_draw_string(int x, int y, const char *str, color_t c)
The last exercise of lab 6 introduced you to the font
module that manages the font image data. A font has one combined bitmap
consisting of glyphs for all characters, from which it can extract individual
character images.
will use font_get_glyph
to obtain the glyph image and
draw each 'on' pixel.
is simply a loop that calls gl_draw_char
for each character,
left to right in a single line.
Just as you did previously, ensure that you clip all text drawing to the bounds of the framebuffer.
Edit the test program to draw yourself a congratulatory message and add tests that exercise text drawing. Test by visual inspection is probably your best option here. Be sure to have test cases that confirm that character drawing is correctly clipped.
You're now ready to tackle the console!
4) Console
The console module manages the console text contents (i.e. rows of text) and uses the text-drawing functions of the graphics library to draw the text contents on the display.
Review the header file console.h
(available in $CS107E/include
or browse
console.h). The console has these public functions:
void console_init(int nrows, int ncols, color_t foreground, color_t background)
void console_clear(void)
int console_printf(const char *format, ...)
initializes the text contents to empty, console_printf
adds text at the cursor position, and console_clear
resets the text contents to empty.
The console_printf
function should call use your vsnprintf
to prepare the
formatted output. It then processes the characters in the formatted output
one-by-one to update the text contents.
An ordinary character is inserted at the cursor position and the
cursor advances. There are three special characters that require specific
: backspace (move cursor backwards one position)\n
: newline (move cursor down to first column of next row)\f
: form feed (clear contents and move cursor to home position in upper left)
When processing characters, the console must also handle:
- Horizontal wrapping: if the character to be inserted does not fit on the current row, automatically wrap the overflow to the next row. It is a nice touch for backspace to work correctly on a wrapped row, but we won't test this specific case in grading.
- Vertical scrolling: filling the bottommost row and starting a new one moves the text contents upwards, that is, all rows are shifted up by one. The top row scrolls off and the bottommost row now contains the text just added.
The console drawing operates in double-buffer mode. After all characters have been processed and the text contents have been updated appropriately, console_printf
uses the back buffer to clear the screen and redraw the updated text contents. A single call to gl_swap_buffer
then brings the update on-screen in a single smooth transition.
We provide a very basic console test in test_gl_console.c
You will need to add test cases for backspace, form feed, line wrap and scrolling. There is a lot
to test! The goal is for console to work as the output device for the shell, but we recommend postponing that final integration test to
the end. Trying to debug your console within context of the full shell program makes your job much more difficult, instead write targeted test cases using console_printf
in test_gl_console.c
Designing your console
The external interface of the console must match the specification as given in console.h
but the internal design of module implementation is left to you as a creative and open-ended task.
Past students have been successful applying the software design pattern "Model-View-Controller"
MVC, and we agree that it works well here. MVC
separates the data (the model) from the interactions that change the data (the controller) and the ability
to display the data (the view). The model for the console is the grid of text contents. The controller is the already-completed shell
module. The shell
receives characters typed by the user and adds them to the console contents by calling console_printf
. console_printf
updates the model in response and then redraws the view , i.e. the graphical display, to show the updated console contents. Redrawing the view as a separate task after updating the model nicely decouples the two operations. The anti-pattern of attempting to make console_printf
update the text contents while simultaneously drawing to the screen makes for a messy implementation.
Your console model must manage the grid of text contents and track the cursor position.
You might choose to store the text contents as a 1-D array of char *
instead as a 2-D array of char
or something else entirely. Be sure to consider the implications
in terms of the code require to manage it. Some ways of structuring the data
can simplify the implementation tasks or have less opportunity for error.
Make choices that make your life easier!
When ready to implement, take it one small step at a time. The code for the console is structurally complex and many tricky interactions to manage (adding text, managing cursor, wrap, scrolling, backspace). Your best bet is to decompose into small parts that you can incrementally write, test, then build on. For example, you can start by handling only a single line, then backspace, then multiple rows, then scrolling. Think through each part before you start coding it: ten minutes of design and sketching pseudocode on paper up front can save you hours of debugging.
5) Shell + console = magic!
The final step is an easy but very satisfying conclusion: use your console as
the output display for your shell. The make run
target builds the
application program console_shell.c
. This program calls your shell_init
passing console_printf
in place of the uart printf
. Simply by changing
which function pointer is supplied, the shell you wrote in assignment 5 now
springs to life in graphical form! You don't need to write any new code for
this, just run the console_shell
program and enjoy seeing your modules all
work together in harmony.
If the console shell drops keys as you're typing, don't worry. We'll fix that problem in the next assignment. Why might the console shell miss keystrokes?
The video below demonstrates of our reference console. The shell is running on the Pi, the user is typing on the PS/2 keyboard, and the output is displaying on the HDMI monitor.
Performance and dropped keys Thus far you have likely not given much thought to performance tuning as your programs have run acceptably fast without special effort. Now that you are writing graphics routines that process literally millions of pixels, you're going to notice the impact of excess code in those tight inner loops. Identifying high-traffic code passages and streamlining them is a fun task with a pleasing reward. That said, place your first and highest priority on correctness and only turn your attention to efficiency once the functionality is solid. Our expectations are relatively modest: we'd like your console to feel reasonably responsive. For assignment 6, it is given that your console will miss keys that are typed while it is in the middle of drawing. You'll fix this in assignment 7 by employing interrupts to share the CPU during a long-running operation and queue up key events so none are missed.
Testing and debugging
The fb
and gl
modules can be exercised by use of assert
can be used to confirm that expected color at a given pixel
location. You should also observe what is displayed to
the monitor and visually confirm correctness.
For console
, write targeted tests that call console_printf
and confirm the visual results on screen. Start with simple outputs and work your way up to correct
handling of special characters, wrapping, and scrolling. After confirming
success with a full battery of test cases, switch to the console_shell
program as a final interactive test to see that console_printf
also works
correctly in the context of the graphical shell. You will need to type slowly
on your PS/2 keyboard to avoid missed keys.
Careful with memory! The primary source of debugging woes on this assignment are due to incorrect access to memory – uninitialized pointers, indexes out of bounds, wrong level of indirection, incorrect typecast, misunderstanding about units or layout – there be dragons here! Know the bounds on your arrays and always respect those bounds. Be conscious of the automatic scaling applied for pointer arithmetic/array access. Keep track of the units a value is expressed in (bits? bytes? pixels?). Be especially vigilant when accessing the framebuffer memory. Should you erroneously write outside the framebuffer bounds, the transgression can cause all manner of strange artifacts on the display, up to and including a crash/lockup that forces you to reset your Pi. Such symptoms are a sign you have bugs in how you access the framebuffer memory.
Extension: Line and triangle drawing
Level up your graphics library by adding the ability to draw anti-aliased lines and filled triangles and use your extended drawing features to add a "splash screen" to the start of your console program. Successful completion of this extension is worth 3 credits.
The two functions added to the gl module are
void gl_draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, color_t c)
void gl_draw_triangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, color_t c)
Your line-drawing function should draw anti-aliased lines:
Drawing a triangle starts with drawing anti-aliased lines for the triangle outline and filling the interior with the specified color.
A final bit of fun for the extension is to implement console_startup_screen()
with your own custom image or animation to be shown at program start. Draw lines, triangles, rectangles, chars, whatever brings you joy. Maybe even dig out the passive buzzer from Assign2 extension and add a retro soundtrack? When the user starts your console, let them know that is yours and you are proud of it!
This extension is true extra credit and requires you to learn about line drawing algorithms and brush up on your math/geometry. A good introduction is the Wikipedia entry on line drawing and "Computer Graphics from Scratch" has a nice explanation of triangle wireframes.
Learn from others, but do not take/borrow code An extension is an opportunity to go deeper into the material and further develop your knowledge and skills. It would defeat the intention and benefit of solving the challenge task if you paste-and-modify code found online or use an AI to generate the code. Furthermore, misrepresenting such work as your own is a violation of the Honor Code. While you may read conceptual information and skim pseudocode to learn about an existing algorithm, when ready to implement, you must put aside all references and write and debug the code yourself based on your own authentic understanding.
The line and triangle drawing makes heavy use of floating point. You will find these operations to be quite slow in our default build environment which relies on the software emulation fp routines in the gcc compiler support library. The Mango Pi has support for hardware floating point which can greatly accelerate these operations.
Research what changes are needed to the Makefile to compile for hardware floating point and how to enable the floating point unit at runtime using the appropriate assembly instructions. Rather than use a separate .s
file, read up on gcc's support for "inline/extended assembly". This allows you to embed assembly instructions within a C function. Add the instructions to enable directly into your gl_init
Use your timer routines to measure the performance of drawing lines and triangles on hard-float versus soft-float and report back about the gains you were able to make!
Tag with assign6-extension
to submit the extension for grading. Include the following information in your assign6 README.md
- cite all references and resources that you used to learn from
- what approach did you use for line-drawing? why did you choose that approach? describe how the algorithm operates.
- what approach did you use for triangle-drawing? why did you choose that approach? describe how the algorithm operates.
- what speedup were you able to observe in hard-float versus soft-float?
Style reflection
Here are the instructions for the style reflection to be submitted with this assignment.
The deliverables for assign6-submit
- Implementation of the
library modules - Your comprehensive tests in
(possibly empty)- your responses to the prompt questions in
Submit your finished code by commit, tag assign6-submit
, and push to remote. The steps to follow are given in the git workflow guide.
To grade this assignment, we will:
- Verify that your submission builds correctly, with no warnings. Warnings and/or build errors result in automatic deductions. Clean build always!
- Run automated tests that exercise the functionality of your
modules. - Go over the tests you added to
and evaluate them for thoughtfulness and completeness in coverage. - Review your completed style reflection.
Our highest priority tests will focus on the core features for this assignment:
- Essential functionality of your library modules
- correct configuration of framebuffer
- memory management
- double buffering
- drawing pixels, rects, characters
- correct clipping of all drawing
- accept ordinary characters
- handling of special chars (\n \b \f)
- we will not test: insert tab nor backspace through tab
- horizontal line wrap
- we will not test: backspace through wrapped line
- vertical scrolling
- drawing performance should be reasonably responsive
- not required to be scorchingly fast, but please not painfully slow!
- ok that keys are dropped if typed during redraw (to be fixed in assign7, stay tuned!)
The additional tests of lower priority will examine less critical features, edge cases, and robustness. Make sure you thoroughly tested for a variety of scenarios!