Program and module design
Our previous discussions on style have been been fairly micro in scope. This time we will zoom out somewhat and look at the bigger choices of how we organize our programs and the effect these choices have on our final product.
One of the big tasks of assignment 5 was implementing a keyboard driver. We (the staff) put a lot of thought into how we structured the ps2 and keyboard modules.The intro in the assignment handout explains our thinking:
The design of the keyboard driver is worth a pause to understand and appreciate. All of the nitty-gritty low-level protocol details are encapsulated within the ps2
module. The keyboard
module layers on that to implement the logic to process scancodes into sequences, events, and typed characters. Within the keyboard module, the functionality is arranged hierarchically, each routine building on the next. The bottom level routine reads a raw scancode (by delegating to the ps2
module), the next level gathers a sequence of scancodes into one logical key action, the higher level routines translate actions into key events and typed characters.
The layered interface cleanly supports the needs of different clients. A client that simply wants typed characters might use only the top level keyboard_read_next
; a client that reacts to key up and down events would instead access the mid level keyboard_read_event
The hierarchical design also eases the job of the implementer. Each level focuses on a discrete part of the operation and delegates tasks above and below to other functions. This makes each function simpler to implement and test. Your implementation plan of attack is to start at the bottom and work your way upward.
Imagine a world where the starter code provided no structure and just told you to implement keyboard_read_next
and use it in shell
. That would be a pretty hard assignment! Design the module and its interface is a neat part of the engineering job but it is a skill you have to work at learning. It usually takes a few tries, if not a few dozen, to iterate and refine a design into a pleasing result. There is rarely one “right” answer, no silver bullet for all situations. This is where experience and practice come into play and the art of the craft shows.
What are some things to keep in mind when working through a design? A good start is to begin with sketching a visual explanation. Break out the crayons and practice those geometry skills. Diagram the module parts, how the parts interact, and how the module interfaces with the rest of the program. Identify the inputs and outputs where information flows, note possible side effects and dependencies, consider any global state that is being affected. For example, if a function receives a pointer and copies the data it points to, but in the process destroys the original data, you will want to be sure to trace that side effect in the diagram. A module with a complex control flow might benefit from a diagram to show the different states the program can be in and the transitions between them – shout out to finite state machines from CS103! Take your beautiful artwork and solidify your understanding by explaining it to a captive audience, or lacking any unsuspecting victims you can always resort to a rubber duck. Describing your ideas out loud works wonders for finding the edge cases and loopholes in your logic.
Think in layers. Assignment 5 is a good example of this. The shell
is acting as the topmost layer, sitting atop the the keyboard
module which goes down through layers of functions to the bottommost ps2
module which directly interacts with the hardware. Layers allow us to abstract away implementations behind interfaces. We like that. Imagine instead a program that had all of the logic for a PS/2 keyboard mashed straight into the shell module. Our friend drops by and sees us using the antiquated PS/2 protocol and says “hey I wrote a driver for a fancy USB keyboard, let me share it with you". What a great friend! But now we have to go muck through shell and change all the ps2 references to usb and rework the logic for USB which uses a totally different protocol than PS/2. And after all that is fixed, if we want to also use that USB keyboard in other programs, we have to propagate those same changes everywhere. If we instead have designed in layers with clean boundaries between them, the changes are encapsulated in the low-level hardware module and easily re-used.
Make components that do one thing. It can be tempting to amass super-functions that do everything in one go, but we much prefer decomposing to a set of independent functions that each do one thing well. This facilitates code reuse and makes restructuring your program a breeze. Think of it like legos, a 1x16 long brick only fits into certain configurations, but you can re-arrange 16 1x1 bricks in lots of different ways (don’t read too much into the structural integrity of our metaphor, we're programmers not civil engineers 😃 ).
Play around, try different ideas. You are unlikely to hit the perfect structure on your first try, but that's the beauty of the process. By going slow, spending time at the drawing board, and making the code you write modular, you give yourself the space to try different structures and implementations. Never be afraid to rewrite a piece of code or scrap a design, it might feel like a loss at first but throwing away that first attempt and using what you learned from it to restart with a clean design is often the best path forward; far better than grinding along with a flawed approach.
Learn about design patterns! Some really smart people have been doing this sort of thing for a while now and have identified and codified a vocabulary of common programming idioms. One great pattern employed by the shell
module is the command pattern. This pattern from object-oriented programming is used to decouple actions and the objects they affect. There is a great take on it from the lens of video game design in the reading linked below. Although the C language doesn't formally support objects and classes, we can cobble together an object-like command dispatch in our shell by using a table of function pointers. We can easily add and remove commands just by editing the table entries, no need to edit the code or program logic. This might seem like the obvious way to structure it but the hallmark of a great design is when it is so intuitive you can’t imagine doing it any other way.
Model View Controller
Continuing the conversation of design patterns, there is a particularly important design pattern that we use when presenting data to a user: Model View Controller (MVC). In MVC, the data is stored in the model, is acted upon by the controller(s), and views are used to show the model state to the user. The controller interacts with the model to change the state, the views regenerate to show the latest state. Here are a few concrete examples on MVC in action:
The assignment writeup encouraged using of MVC for the console as it applies very nicely here. The console stores a grid of text contents; this is the model. The model is updated in response to controller actions (in this case, characters typed by the user in the shell). The view reads the model data and draw those characters on screen. Notice that we don't read from the view to figure out what pixels to draw in an updated view, nor do we go straight from receiving a character to drawing it on the screen. Changes flow from the controller into the model, which then causes the view to be regenerated. This avoids many errors and edge cases caused by inconsistent state.
A simple recipe app is another good example. The app might have a collection of recipes to browse, organized in a index by category. A recipe is shown as a notecard of essentials info like title, category, and a thumbnail image. When you click on a notecard, it expands to a full page of the detailed information of ingredients and instructions. Each representation is just a different view of the data maintained in the one model. Using MVC in this way, the controller can change the category for a recipe by telling the model to make the change and regenerate all the views. The update is reflected everywhere because all views connect to same one model.
Part of why we are so passionate about introducing you to MVC is because this design principle can be found in many of the apps you use daily!
Prompt questions
Edit the text file named style_reflection.txt
in your assign6
directory to include your responses to the following questions. The entire document should be about one page. Please do not repeat the question prompts in the text file, just your answers.
One challenge when designing a module is striking a good balance between building in flexibility for anticipated future use cases versus a simpler design that fits exactly and only what is needed today. Consider the assign 5
module. Tell us what code changes would be needed to support a different keymap like Dvorak. How much work would be required to add support for other modifiers, i.e alt+letter or ctrl+letter? Identify an extended feature the current design does not seem to anticipate and how you would change the design to better accommodate it. -
Read one or both of the short readings below introducing design patterns. Pick a pattern from the reading that you find interesting and explain it to us. Give us an example of how you would use this pattern and why it would be useful. Include a pseudocode example.
Patterns explained through the lens of game design (a bit easier to understand)
Wiki page on original design patterns book (more content, a bit harder to grok)
Function pointers are a pretty neat concept, they allow us to treat functions as data, flexibly manage control flow, and attach operations to data, such as is used for objects and methods in OOP. This is powerful stuff! Imagine adding a
command to to your shell that allows binding shell functions to shortcuts, e.g., the commandbind help h
would make shortcuth
execute thehelp
command. Tell us how you could leverage function pointers to implement this feature. -
a. One very useful tool when designing your program is to break down your program or idea into a finite state machine. If you are unfamiliar with finite state machines or need a refresher check out these resources
Wikipedia (a brief overview and some useful examples)
Break out your pencils and diagram a finite state machine for your
function. Make sure to show separate transitions for each failed check (timing, start, parity, stop). We aren't going to be pedantic about getting a perfect FSM here so don't stress over that, mostly correct is good enough. Include in your repo a photo of your FSM diagram.b. Tell us what design insights you are able to see from your FSM diagram. Think about how you would write
if you were handed just this diagram and no write up. How would that implementation differ from your current implementation?