Due: Tuesday, March 04 at 5:00 pm
The usual 48-hour grace period applies, but we strongly discourage its use. Completing and submitting on-time means you can then put your attention on fixing open issues and claiming the big full system bonus!
With all your hard work on the previous assignments, your Mango Pi can now read input from a keyboard and respond to your commands by drawing to a graphical console display. For the pièce de résistance you'll upgrade your keyboard driver so that you can type as fast as the wind without dropping characters.
Conceptually, this assignment is about concurrency and preemption. Concurrency is when a program is able to do more than one thing at once. Preemption is when one task in a program can take control of the processor from another. Both concurrency and preemption are fundamental ideas to computer systems: this allows your phone to multitask between applications and allows a web server to handle tens of thousands of clients. In this assignment, you start from the ground up, handling the root of preemption in every computer system: interrupts.
In completing this assignment you will have:
- redesigned your PS/2 driver to use gpio interrupts so it doesn't drop scancodes, and
- used an interrupt-safe data structure to correctly share data across regular and interrupt code.
The stretch goal is to achieve the full system bonus which attests that you have:
- written a library of modules that provide foundational support for implementing a bare-metal system on the Pi
- constructed a successful and complete system of your own top to bottom: your console running on your library
This work completes the transformation of your Mango Pi into a standalone computer, ready to be extended and improved in your final project. Way to go!
Get starter files
Change to your local mycode
repo and pull in the assignment starter code:
$ cd ~/cs107e_home/mycode
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull code-mirror assign7-starter
In the assign7
directory, you will find these files:
: library module- The starter code contains an empty
file. Copy/paste your existing code fromassign5/ps2.c
to get your starting point.
- The starter code contains an empty
: test program with your unit testsinterrupts_console_shell.c
: application program that runs your shell, reading input from the PS/2 keyboard via interrupts and displaying output to the console. You will use this program unchanged.Makefile
: rules to buildinterrupts_console_shell
application (make run
) and unit test program (make test
: edit this text file to communicate with us about your submission- the subdirectories
show how to build and use your libmymangomylib
has symbolic links to your module source files and aMakefile
to buildlibmymango.a
is a sample application that builds on top of yourlibmymango.a
The make test
target builds and run the test program test_interrputs.bin
that does simple unit tests. The make run
target builds and runs the program interrupts_console_shell.bin
Take note of the assignment 7 Makefile! Unlike previous makefiles that used your code only for the modules specific to the current assignment, this makefile assumes that you are aiming for the full system bonus and want to use all your own code.
is set to use your code for all modules. If you need to use our reference module in place of yours, edit the Makefile to remove the faulty module. After resolving the issue, add the module back to the list ofMY_MODULE_SOURCES
to build your full system.
Interrupts-driven ps2
In assignment 5, you wrote a PS/2 device driver that reads scancodes by polling. The task for assignment 7 is to rework that driver to read by interrupts.
Start by copying your code from the file assign5/ps2.c
and pasting that code into the file assign7/ps2.c
. This is your starting point. You won't edit the original assign5/ps2.c
file, preserve that version as-is. All new edits are made int the file assign7/ps2.c
Review the code you wrote for assignment 5. A call to ps2_read
waits for the next scancode to arrive. "Waiting" is a tight loop that repeatedly calls gpio_read
on the clock gpio until it observes the level transition from high to low, i.e. falling edge. If your code isn't reading the gpio at the moment the edge falls, it misses the event. Furthermore, the CPU spins just waiting for this event and can't do anything else while it does. The drawbacks of the polling implementation are that it misses events and it is very inefficient.
Read over the test function check_read_delay
in file test_interrupts.c
and try it out with your existing module. You should see that your code
drops any keys typed while the test program is paused inside timer_delay
This is the expected behavior from the polling implementation.
Interrupts solve this problem. Instead of sitting in polling loop waiting for a falling edge, your code can configure the hardware to issue an interrupt when it sees a falling edge. The interrupt handler is invoked to immediately read the data when it is available, never missing a bit.
1) Configuring PS/2 interrupts
For a PS/2 device, the triggering event is a falling edge on the clock line. The handler response is to read a single bit from the data line.
Start by writing a basic handler function that reads a bit from the data gpio. The handler function needs to know which gpio to read from. The clock and data gpio are stored in the ps_device_t
struct; we recommend you use the aux_data
argument to pass a pointer to that struct. For now, have your handler just announce the interrupt with a quick uart_putchar('+')
. (if feeling fancy, can putchar '0'
or '1'
based on the data bit read, but stay away from complex printf
; there isn't time). Be sure that the handler also clears the interrupt or it will endlessly re-trigger.
Now you must arrange for your handler to be called on clock falling edge event.
Review the module interface for gpio_interrupt
in its header file gpio_interrupt.h to learn the functions that set up a gpio interrupt.
Here are the steps to take in ps2_new
- initialize
module - configure clock gpio for interrupt on negative edge event
- register your function as handler for the interrupt
- enable gpio interrupt for clock gpio
The above steps do the event-specific parts of configuring a gpio interrupt. You also need to configure the top-level interrupts module.Review the module interface for the global interrupts system in header interrupts.h. Here are the steps to take in the program main()
- initialize
module before doing any configuration of interrupts - flip the global enable switch after completing all configuration of interrupts
Some parts of arranging interrupts happen in a local context (i.e. per specific PS/2 device), others steps are taken globally (once for the entire program). You configure the gpio interrupt within the PS/2 module and interact with the top-level interrupts in the program main()
function. This reflects the level at which the modules interact with the interrupt systems. Interacting with gpio interrupts is localized within PS/2 module; this is mostly a private matter of the PS/2 module implementation. The top-level interrupts module is configured in the program main
function. The top-level interrupts module acts globally and use must be coordinated across the entire program.
Test using the function check_interrupts_received
of test_interrupts.c
to confirm that your handler works. When you type a key, the handler should output a digit for each bit, 11 bits in total per scancode.
Remember that interrupt code should be simple and fast. You want to be simple because debugging
interrupts is so hard. You want it to be fast because you don't want to delay/miss the next interrupt.
Calling printf
in your handler, for example, could
cause you to miss clock edges as even a relatively simple printf
can take tens or hundreds of microseconds,
which is longer than a PS/2 clock pulse.
2) Gather a PS/2 scancode
The falling edge of PS/2 clock edge indicates that right now is the time to read a bit from the data line.
Your handler function will be called 11 times, once for each falling clock edge. Each invocation of the handler reads a single bit from the data gpio. Because each invocation has its own stack frame, you cannot use a stack local variable to store the accumulated scancode from call to call. Instead you will add that data to the ps2_device_t
struct. Pass the pointer to the device struct as the aux_data
argument. You can additional fields to the ps2_device_t
struct to store whatever information is needed to track the device state between calls to the handler function.
Your assign5 version of ps2_read
handled the entire scancode in one function call, using a loop for the 8 data bits and verifying the validity of the start, parity and stop bits. You now need to rework that code to operate in context of your handler function which reads a single bit at a time. It takes 11 separate calls to the handler to assemble one scancode. If the handler detects a bit in error, discard any partial scancode and re-start on new start bit as you did previously. Hint: Reviewing the finite state machine you sketched for the assign 6 style reflection may be helpful in working out the code logic.
Once your handler function can gather a scancode, you're ready to enqueue those scancodes for mainline code to retrieve.
Tip: polling versus interrupt Our reference version of the
module supports both reading in polling mode and reading by interrupts; the mode is configurable via an internal switch. Your ps2 module does not support this. Rather than a switchable mode, you will have two distinctps2
modules: the originalassign5/ps2.c
that reads via polling and the reworkedassign7/ps2.c
that reads by interrupt. (You will not use assign5 version going forward; but the file is preserved in your assign5 directory if you want to review it.)
3) Use ring buffer
When the handler function reaches the stop bit that completes the scancode; it needs to then safely pass the scancode from the interrupt handler to mainline code. The ring buffer queue shown in lecture is just the tool for the job! (see ringbuffer.h)
Create a new ring buffer queue in ps2_new
and add it as a new field in the ps_device_t
struct. Once your handler function has gathered a complete scancode, add the scancode to the queue. Edit ps2_read
to dequeue from the queue. The ps2_read
function blocks (spins) until there is a scancode available in the queue, then dequeues and returns it. ps2_read
always returns a scancode, either a saved scancode that was previously queued or waits for the next scancode to arrive in the queue.
You should now be able to run the exact same console shell application from assignment 6, and everything works as before, except this time you never miss a key. The interrupt handler jumps into enqueue each scancode as it is arrives. Those scancodes are gathered into typed keys that then display in the console when ready.
Testing and debugging
Use make test
to run the test_interrupts.c
test program. The starter code demonstrates some simple ways to manually test the interrupt handling of your reworked ps2
module. You might find it helpful to also re-use your assign5 tests that you used to confirm correct behavior the ps2
module and keyboard
running on top of it.
Once you have confirmed the behavior of your interrupt-driven ps2
module in isolation, try make run
to test ps2
in the console_interrupts_shell
Your console using the interrupt-driven ps2
module should no longer drop keys; however even a moderately fast typist can still enqueue a decent number of keys during a slow console redraw that makes for a bit of a wait as the console works through the backlog. Remember that the expected behavior is that the console receives every character that is typed and redraws in response to each event. Given this design, you will be motivated to make that redraw run briskly.
You now have a fully operational console that uses the full power of your hardware! What you have running is not too far from an Apple II computer.
There are two extensions offered for this assignment: profiler OR mouse/paint. Successfully ompleting either extension earns 3 bonus credits.
Add a profile
command to your shell. A profiler is a developer tool that tracks where in the code a program is
spending its execution time.
When diagnosing how to improve the performance of a sluggish program, you first make observations and take measurements. You want to identify which code the program is spending most of its time executing, i.e. its "hot spots". These are the code sections you want to put your efforts into streamlining as they will have the biggest payoff in improving performance.
One clever way to find hot spots is a simple sampling strategy. Repeatedly interrupt the program and record a sample of which instruction the interrupted pc
was executing. The probability of observing a given value of pc
is proportional to the time spent executing that instruction, i.e. the more often an instruction is executed, the higher the likelihood it will be observed when sampling. Thus after having taken a good number of samples, picking out the instructions with the highest sample counts will identify the hot spots.
Implement the profile as an additional command in assign5/shell.c
module. You do not need to preserve the original version or make a distinct copy for assign7, directly edit the file assign5/shell.c
. In your assign7
Makefile, confirm that shell.c
. Buildling assign7 will find the shell.c
file in the assign5
directory. Test your profiler by running the interrupts_console_shell
application from the assign7
directory. (This is also how we will test your profiler.)
Use the hstimer
module to generate timer events at interval ~500 microseconds. (Refer to header file hstimer.h, sample code in Interrupts lecture). The CSR mepc
("machine exception program counter") is the means to access the value of the interrupted pc. You muse use an assembly instruction to access the CSRs, but rather than add a separate .s
file to the project, read up on gcc's support for "inline/extended assembly" and use that syntax to directly embed the necessary instructions into your C code.
To record the samples, maintain an array of counters, one for each instruction address in the text (code) section. By knowing where the text section starts and ends (remember about the linker map file memmap.ld
and the memmap.h
header file), you can allocate the appropriate amount of space.
Add the command profile [on | off]
to your shell commands to control the profiler. profile on
resets all profile counts to zero and starts profiling. profile off
stops profiling and prints the profiler results. profile
with no argument shows the current status of profiling including time elapsed since start of profiling and number of samples collected so far.
The profiler results lists the 20 instructions with the highest sample counts. Each instruction is printed with its address and label (obtained from symtab
) in a table like the one shown below:
profile: 35207 msecs elapsed, collected 70357 samples
Counts | pc <fn>
28576 | 0x40003674 <gl_draw_char+288>
6779 | 0x40003698 <gl_draw_char+324>
3981 | 0x400032a4 <gl_clear+68>
2562 | 0x40009b98 <timer_delay_us+44>
2223 | 0x40006788 <rb_empty+24>
2040 | 0x40009c10 <timer_get_ticks>
2002 | 0x40006458 <ps2_read+44>
1689 | 0x40009c14 <timer_get_ticks+4>
1095 | 0x400032ac <gl_clear+76>
Cool, you now have a profiler! Run it on your console program and learn where your hot spots are.
Tag your submit assign7-extension
and be sure you have committed the updates to file assign5/shell.c
. In your assign7 README.md
, include some of your sample profiler output and share with us what you learned from writing and using this neat tool. Were you able to use the profile information to improve your console performance?
PS/2 mouse and standalone paint application
For this extension, you'll create PS/2 mouse driver module and use it to implement a simple paint application.
Got mouse? We keep a small stash of PS/2 mice in the Gates lab room for those working on this extension. Please do not take the mice out of the lab, we need them to stay in lab for all to use. Thank you! 🐁
Communicating with a PS/2 mouse is similar to a PS/2 keyboard. First read these specifications for the PS/2 mouse and PS/2 protocol (paying particular attention to the last section labeled "Host-to-Device Communication").
Start by extending your interrupt-driven ps2
module to support the new function ps2_write
. This is the symmetric operation to ps2_read
that sends a scancode packet from the Pi to the device. Read the PS/2 protocol specification for how to switch between communicating from device-to-host (e.g. ps2_read
) to host-to-device (e.g ps2_write
). A scancode packet consists of 11 bits (start, 8 data, parity, stop) and each bit is written to the data line after observing a falling edge on the clock line.
With ps2_write
in place, you're ready to create a mouse driver! The mouse
module layers on the ps2
module just as keyboard
does, using ps2_read
(and now ps2_write
) to talk to the input device. Read the header file mouse.h for the mouse interface and documentation. Create a new file mouse.c
and implement the two required functions (mouse_init
and mouse_read_event
). mouse_init
resets the mouse and enables data reporting mode. mouse_read_event
calls ps2_read
and converts scancodes into mouse events.
Edit the mylib/Makefile
to add mouse.c
and rebuild your library libmymango.a
. Your library now supports interfacing with a mouse, neat!
Now create a new standalone paint application that uses your library. (note: this is a good preview of how to start your final project!) Make a copy of the template
subdirectory and name the copy paint
. Copy your library libmymango.a
from mylib
into the paint folder. Using your shiny new mouse driver, implement a simple paint application in paint/main.c
. The paint application draws a blank canvas and then loops, reading mouse events and drawing on the screen in response.
It should be possible to:
- draw by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse
- when not holding down the button, move some pointer/indicator around on the screen without disrupting what's previously been painted
- Watch this short clip of our paint application in action:
Other than that, the details of the UI are up to you. Describe in your assign7
how to use your paint program. Tag your submission assign7-extension
; be sure your commit includes both your mouse.c module and all of the files for the paint application. We can't wait to try it out!
The deliverables for assign7-submit
- A reworked
module that uses gpio interrupts README.md
(possibly empty)
Submit your finished code by commit, tag assign7-submit
, and push to remote. The steps to follow are given in the git workflow guide.
If you are submitting an extension, be sure all additional files needed for the extension are included in your commit (e.g. assign5/shell.c
or paint
In light of the coincident push to wrap up your full system, we've intentionally scoped the coding task for the assignment to be relatively modest compared to previous assignments. There also is no style reflection. Our strong recommendation is that you plan to complete and submit assignment 7 by the on-time deadline. This allows you then turn your attention to revise and resubmit on open issues and claiming the big full system bonus!
The grading for assignment 7 tests the interrupt-driven ps2
module using the same ps2
module unit tests we used for assign5.
- ps2 (interrupt-driven)
- receive bits by interrupt
- read well-formed scancode
- discard malformed (wrong start/stop/parity) and restart, timeout resynchronize
- tough for you to directly test, just try your best and we'll run under our test rig to give you results
We plan to quickly run tests on all submissions that meet on-time deadline and get results out post-haste so you have the opportunity to respond and tag for re-test ahead of the full system submission.
Full system bonus
The crowning achievement on top of your hard work on the assignments is seeing your modules working together in a harmonious whole. Successfull passing the system integration test earns the full system bonus , a whopping 6 bonus credits!
Full system deadline end of day Saturday The deadline for full system submit has historically been coincident with the assign7 deadline, but we have decided to extend by a few extra days to get those last fixes in up. Submit for full system by Sat Mar 8 11:59pm. This is also the deadline for any final revise-and-resubmit fixes for retest.
Revise and resubmit
We aim for all students to resolve all P1 issues, with added recognition for resolving issues of lower priority.
After readying a fix and testing yourself, commit/tag/push to request retest from us. Use the assignN-retest
tag for retest of assignN
. You can tag the same commit with several retest tags if it contains fixes for more than one assignment. During the last week leading up to the full system submission deadline, we will run the retest cycle nightly and update issues with new results.
Testing your system in integration
The results we post as issues are from unit tests run on each module in isolation. If your code has successful results on all module unit tests, this likely tracks with success on full system. However, it is possible to have discrepancies in either direction. For example, the full system can succeed despite a failure on an unit test, such as when the unit test is very thorough and surfaces an isolated bug that is not exercised or detectable by the full system. Conversely, it is possible to have 100% success on all module unit tests and yet still hit a failure on full system. This could be a bad interaction between modules that only surfaces in integration or a bug that was not detected by a module unit test that was not fully rigorous in its coverage.
TLDR; use revise and resubmit to resolve issues found by unit tests, but also supplement with manual testing of your full system in integration. Build interrupts_console_shell
set to include all modules. Test the console application, taking care to exercise all module features being used: key combinations, shell commands, console wrap and scroll, and so on.
Submit full system
- Double-check that final versions of files for all modules/assignments are committed and pushed. The
Makefile should have your settings and flags to buildinterrupts_console_shell
without warnings or errors. - Tag the commit you want us to test
. If you do not have afullsystem-submit
tag, we will not test your code for the full system bonus. - Get submit on or before full system deadline. This deadline is firm, no grace period applies.
Grading full system
For the integration test, we will build the assign7 interrupts_console_shell
application using all of your library modules and interactively test the complete system running with a PS/2 keyboard and HDMI monitor.
- Our test will touch on the core features of the system to confirm all is working together in integration.
- We will not re-test your individual modules to the same extent as the comprehensive module unit tests, but all functionality used by shell/console must work correctly. This means, for example, your
must properly print zero-padded hexadecimal numbers (which are needed forpeek
), but could slip by with a minor bug in formatting a large negative value (since they are not used by the shell). - Your console should feel reasonably responsive and the screen should update in a smooth and non-glitchy manner. It doesn't need to be blindingly fast, but it should not be painfully slow. Keeping it snappy will not only delight your grader, but make testing it yourself less torturous. (If you have a sluggish redraw in need of acceleration, revisit the speed exercise from lab6 for inspiration.)
The full system bonus of 6 credits is a big reward for a big accomplishment. You have successfully built a complete computer system from the ground up, writing your own code at every step of the way. Congratulations!
Building libmymango.a
The full system test does not require you to build your modules into library but we wanted to let you know how to build your library for possible future use such as in your project. Change to the directory named mylib
and use make. This builds
libmymango.a` which packages together your battle-tested code of modules into a complete library to support a bare-metal system on the Mango Pi.
The libmymango.a
library is in a form ready to be easily incorporated into any future project. The directory named template
contains a template project that demonstrates how to build an application using your libmymango.a
. To start a new project, make a copy of the template folder, copy in libmymango.a
, and use make run
to build and run. You can now program your Pi almost like an Arduino with this high-level library you have created.
Course learning goals
Three cheers for YOU! 👏👏👏 This is your computer system, the one you built yourself from the ground up. Each line of code is there because you put it there, you know what it does, and why it is needed. We are in awe of the effort you put in to arrive here and hope you are as proud of your work as we are.
Reflecting on where you started, it has been an impressive journey. Take stock of the progress you have made on mastering these course learning goals:
✔︎ To understand how computers represent information, execute programs, and control peripherals
- Binary and hexadecimal number systems, machine encoding of instructions
- Memory layout, pointers, arrays, structs
- RISC-V assembly, use of registers, instruction control flow
- Runtime use of stack and heap memory
- Memory-mapped I/O to access to peripherals, device drivers (keyboard, display)
- Interrupts, simple multi-processing
✔︎ To master command-line programming tools and the C programming language
- Build tools (assembler, compiler, linker, make, bootloader)
- Implementation of standard C library functions (strings, printf, malloc, graphics)
- Strategies for testing and debugging code, using gdb
- Establishing a productive and effective programming workflow
Bring these skills into the final project, mix with your creativity and initiative, and something fabulous will surely result. We're looking forward to it!