Lab 3: Debugging and Testing

Lab written by Pat Hanrahan, updated by Julie Zelenski


During this lab you will:

  • Learn how to use riscv-unknown-elf-gdb in simulation mode. Simulation mode is also a good way to learn more about how the RISC-V processor executes instructions.
  • Use gdb to trace through function call/return and examine registers and memory.
  • Learn how to use minicom with the USB-serial adapter. Also understand how the UART peripheral works.
  • Implement a few simple C-string operations and use a combination of unit testing and gdb simulation to debug your work.

These exercises are useful preparation for your next assignment which is to implement printf for your Pi.

Prelab preparation

To prepare for lab, do the following:

  1. Read our guide to using gdb in simulation mode. Print out a copy of the gdb reference card to have on hand.

Lab exercises

0. Pull lab starter code

Change to your local mycode repo and pull in the lab starter code:

$ cd ~/cs107e_home/mycode
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull code-mirror lab3-starter

1. Serial communication

1a) Connect usb-serial

Find the usb-serial breakout in your parts kit and follow the instructions in the uart guide to make a serial connection between your laptop and the Mango Pi.

1b) Loopback test

Grab your USB-serial adapter and a female-female jumper to do a loopback test. Directly connect TX to RX on the USB-serial adapter in loop back mode, as shown in this photo:

loop back

In loop back mode, the signals sent out on the TX pin are wired straight to the RX pin. Reading from the RX pin will read the characters sent over TX.

Insert the USB-serial adapter into a USB port on your laptop and identify the device path using our script.

minicom is a program used to communicate over a serial device. Use this command to start minicom on your device path and establish a connection at 115200 baud.

$ minicom -D /dev/YOUR_DEVICE_PATH -b 115200

When minicom opens, it clears your terminal and positions the cursor in the upper left corner. Characters that you type in the minicom window should be echoed. Try manually sending a line feed LF by typing control-j and a carriage return CR by typing control-m. What is the difference in behavior of LF versus CR? When you hit the enter/return key on your keyboard, does it seem to send a LF, a CR, or both?

Keep typing while have your neighbor reaches over and gently disconnects one end of the loopback jumper. Where are the characters going now?

Reconnect the jumper and type some more. Your characters are echoed again.

It may feel like typing a character on the keyboard comes with an entitlement to seeing it drawn on the screen, but in fact, the minicom (or other terminal) program running on your laptop is necessary glue to bridging that communication. Minicom observes the typed character, sends it out over the serial TX line, and is listening on the serial RX line and echoing what it receives. In loop back mode, minicom happens to only be talking to itself, but it doesn't "know" this. If you disconnect the loopback jumper, no characters are echoed. You are ready to answer this check-in question. 1

When you connect the TX and RX to the Mango Pi, minicom is bridging the communication from your laptop to the Pi and back. Minicom sends what you type to the Pi and displays what is received from the Pi. Neat!

(Fun aside for the curious: scoot your computer next to a buddy and use jumpers to connect the TX of your CP2102 to the RX of their CP2102 and vice versa. Now what happens when you type in your minicom window?)

You can exit minicom by typing Esc-z (the "escape" key is referred to as "meta" in the minicom documentation) and choose x from the menu. However, you probably don't want to do a lot of quitting and restarting of minicom. Instead, open a separate terminal window for minicom and keep minicom running at all times. In your other terminal window(s), you will be issuing commands, editing, building, etc. while the minicom window maintains an open communication channel with the Pi. When you power-cycle or set your Pi, the minicom window will report it temporarily has no connected, but will reestablish communicated with the device when reconnected.

1c) UART/printf test

Re-connect the TX/RX jumpers between the USB-serial and the Pi. Remember the RX of the USB-serial connects to the TX of the Pi, and vice versa (the connections are not TX-TX and RX-RX).

Have minicom open and talking to your Pi now, this provides a 2-way channel that allows your laptop to send and recieve data with the Pi.

Initialize the dram by entering the following command in your terminal (not your minicom window), and see what is printed in your minicom window!

$ xfel ddr d1

Interesting! When FEL is running, it sends some diagnostic log messages on the serial line and only now are we keeping the channel open to hear what it's saying.

Change to the directory lab3/uart-printf.

$ cd lab3/uart-printf
$ ls
Makefile  hello.c

Review the code in hello.c. This program uses the uart_putstring function to send characters from the Pi's TX pin.

$ make run
$ make run
mango-run hello.bin
xfel ddr d1
Initial ddr controller succeeded
xfel write 0x40000000 hello.bin
100% [================================================] 132.055 KB, 341.767 KB/s
xfel exec 0x40000000

Over in your minicom window, you should see this output:

hello, laptop
hello, laptop
hello, laptop
hello, laptop
hello, laptop
We <3 printf!

The function uart_putstring can be used to output a string constant, but what is much more useful is the ability to output formatted strings, e.g. printf. For example, the call printf("Today is %s %d\n", monthname, daynum) inserts the month string and day number into the output. To learn more about how to use printf, check out the standard library printf documentation.

In Assignment 3, you will implement your own version of printf. With a working printf, your programs will be able to report on their state and super-charge your debugging. What a big improvement over trying to communicate everything using only LEDs!

Open hello.c in your text editor and edit the main function to try out printf:

  1. Add a call to printf inside the loop body that prints the value of i on each loop iteration.

  2. Outside the loop, use printf to print the value from *PB_CFG0 in hex format.

  3. Use gpio_set_output to make pins PB0 and PB1 output pins.

  4. Print the value of *PB_CFG0 again.

Reset your Pi, and run make run again to see your program's output. How does the hex value stored in PB_CFG0 change after changing the pin functions?

2. Debugging with gdb

2a) Install gdb

Hot off the presses, we have freshly-patched RISC-V gdb debugger for you to install. Major thanks to Michael Chang for his help in finding and fixing the crucial bug!

If you run macOS, your instructions are:

$ brew update
$ rm -rf $(brew --cache)
$ brew reinstall riscv-gnu-toolchain-13

If you are on WSL, your instructions are:

$ sudo apt install gdb
$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /opt -xvf riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -s /opt/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb /usr/local/bin

For either, run the following to confirm your debugger is up and running.

Check: confirm gdb

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb
GNU gdb (GDB) 13.2
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
... blah blah blah ...
(gdb) target sim
Connected to the simulator.
(gdb) sim trace
(gdb) quit

2b) Use gdb in simulation mode

This exercise is to practice using the gdb debugger in RISC-V simulation mode. A debugger allows you to observe and manipulate a running program and its program state. Running a debugger on a bare-metal system is challenging, so we instead will use gdb on our local computer to test our program running in simulation and revert to simple use of printf to debug when actually running on the Pi.

gdb is an amazingly powerful and useful tool. When debugging C code, proficiency with gdb can improve your debugging speed by a factor of 10, or in the hands of an expert, a factor of 100. It gives you complete visibility into a program: if you know where to look, you can find out exactly what is happening and what your bug is. Mastering the debugger is just as important as mastering your editor and compiler.

We will demonstrate gdb on a simple example program. Change to the directory lab3/simple directory and review the program in simple.c.

Use the target make debug to build the simple.elf program and start it under the debugger. Note that it is the ELF file that we use in conjunction with gdb, not the raw binary file that we have been running on the actual Pi.

Manually start the debugging use the command riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb simple.elf:

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb simple.elf
GNU gdb (GDB) 13.2
... blah blah blah
Reading symbols from simple.elf...

Within gdb, you would connect to the simulator and load the program:

(gdb) target sim
Connected to the simulator.
(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x140 lma 40000000
Loading section .eh_frame, size 0x2c lma 40000140
Start address 40000000
Transfer rate: 2912 bits in <1 sec.
(gdb) quit

The commands to configure the simulator are always necessary when you enter gdb, so we made a gdb command file gdbsim.commands that contains these commands and specify this file to be auto-loaded when you use the make debug target. Enter quit to exit gdb and return to the terminal. Now use make debug to reenter the debugger with the setup commands already auto-executed. The simulator is already connected and the program loaded.

$ make debug
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb -q --command=CS107E/other/gdbsim.commands simple.elf
Reading symbols from simple.elf...
Auto-loading commands from CS107E/other/gdbsim.commands...
Function "uart_putchar" not defined.
Breakpoint 1 (uart_putchar) pending.
Function "mango_abort" not defined.
Breakpoint 2 (mango_abort) pending.
Connected to the simulator.
Loading section .text, size 0x140 lma 40000000
Loading section .eh_frame, size 0x2c lma 40000140
Start address 40000000
Transfer rate: 2912 bits in <1 sec.

Use start to begin executing the program and stop at the beginning of main

(gdb) start
Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0x400000f4: file simple.c, line 30.
Starting program: .../lab3/simple/simple.elf
Temporary breakpoint 1, main () at simple.c:30
30 int main(void) {

The debugger stops the program when at the beginning of the main function. The next command executes the next line of C source. The command print d shows the value of d after the call completes.

Breakpoint 1, main () at simple.c:35
30 int main(void) {
(gdb) next
33     int d = diff(x, y);
(gdb) next
34     int f = factorial(7);
(gdb) print d
$1 = 74
(gdb) print f
$2 = <optimized out>

Note that when gdb shows your program stopped at a line, it's stopped before that line has executed. At the end of the sequence shown above, the program is stopped before calling factorial. When we try to print f, the debugger reports that it is not (yet) accessible because we have not yet executed the line where it is declared/initialized.

Sometimes you want to step into the code of the function being called. To do this, use step instead of next. Put another way, next executes the entire next line in the function you're in, while step executes the next line of code, which may be in a different function.

Use start to restart the program and stop at main(). and then use step once you hit the breakpoint.

(gdb) start
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

Temporary breakpoint 2 at 0x400000f4: file simple.c, line 30.
Starting program: .../lab3/simple/simple.elf

Temporary breakpoint 2, main () at simple.c:30
30 int main(void) {
(gdb) step
33     int d = diff(x, y);
(gdb) ⏎
diff (a=a@entry=33, b=b@entry=107) at simple.c:27
27     return abs(b - a);
(gdb) ⏎
abs (v=v@entry=74) at simple.c:6
6      int result = v < 0 ? -v : v;

The return/enter key(⏎) causes gdb to repeat the last command (in above sequence, it will step two more times).

We first stepped into diff then took two steps in abs and execution is now stopped at the return statement.

When stepping through code, gdb displays the next line of code to be executed. To see more context, use the list command

(gdb) list
2   * Sample code to use as gdb practice.
3   */
5  int abs(int v) {
6      int result = v < 0 ? -v : v;
7      return result;
8  }
10 int factorial(int n) {
11     if (n <= 1)

Use continue to resume executing the program. While the program is executing, type Control-c to interrupt the running program and return control to gdb. Use the backtrace command to see where the program was executing when it was interrupted:

(gdb) continue
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x0000000040000010 in hang ()
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x0000000040000010 in hang ()

The above information tells you that the program is stopped in hang. Review the code in start.s and cstart.c to remind yourself of what happens in a C program before and after main(). If currently in hang, the program has finished and is in the final "holding pattern". This is the normal behavior for a C program that has successfully run to completion. Learn to recognize how this situation is presented in the debugger. You hope to be seeing a lot of successful program completion!

When debugging a function, a common workflow is to

  1. break on the function in question. run until you hit the breakpoint.
  2. Use next to step through each line of its code, inspecting variables to see where the problem occurs.
  3. If the next line of code is a call to a subroutine and you suspect the problem could be inside that call, use step to drop down into it. If you next through a call and realize that you wish you had used step instead, use run to start over from the beginning and get another chance.
  4. Recursively apply rules 2-3 until you find the bug.

2c) Use gdb to access stack frames

There are gdb commands that allow you to trace function calls and view stack frames. Let's try them out!

Use delete to delete any existing breakpoints and set a breakpoint at the abs function:

(gdb) delete
Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) y
(gdb) break abs
Breakpoint 3 at 0x40000030: file simple.c, line 6.
(gdb) run
Breakpoint 3, abs (v=v@entry=74) at simple.c:6
6      int result = v < 0 ? -v : v;

You are now stopped at the breakpoint on abs. The command disassemble with no arguments lists the assembly instructions in the context where the program is currently executing. The instruction marked =>is the next one to be executed.

(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function abs:
=> 0x0000000040000030 <+0>:   sraw  a5,a0,0x1f
   0x0000000040000034 <+4>:   xor   a0,a0,a5
   0x0000000040000038 <+8>:   subw  a0,a0,a5
   0x000000004000003c <+12>:  ret
End of assembler dump.

Note that the first instruction of abs is at address 0x40000030, as we expected. We asked for a breakpoint on the function abs and gdb converted our request to 0x40000030 which corresponds to the address of the first instruction of abs. A breakpoint set at 0xAddr will stop the program just before executing the instruction at 0xAddr.

Use the gdb backtrace to show the sequence of function calls leading to here:

(gdb) backtrace
#0  abs (v=v@entry=74) at simple.c:6
#1  0x00000000400000e8 in diff (a=a@entry=33, b=b@entry=107) at simple.c:27
#2  0x0000000040000110 in main () at simple.c:33

The backtrace shows that the function abs has been called by diff from line 27, which in turn was called by main from line 33. The numbers on the left refer to the frame. The innermost frame is numbered 0, and corresponds to the currently executing function, in this case, abs. Frames for caller functions have higher numbers. The info frame command prints a summary of the current stack frame:

(gdb) info frame
Stack level 0, frame at 0x4fffffc0:
 pc = 0x40000030 in abs (simple.c:6); saved pc = 0x400000e8
 called by frame at 0x4fffffd0
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0x4fffffc0, args: v=v@entry=74
 Locals at 0x4fffffc0, Previous frame's sp is 0x4fffffc0

The info locals and info args commands give more information about the stack frame's arguments and local variables:

(gdb) info args
v = 74
(gdb) info locals
result = <optimized out>

gdb lets you choose which frame on the call stack you wish to inspect. The command up selects the frame that is one step up the call stack (e.g. frame of caller) and down moves back to callee.

(gdb) up
#1  0x00000000400000e8 in diff (a=a@entry=33, b=b@entry=107) at simple.c:27
27     return abs(b - a);
(gdb) info args
a = 33
b = 107
(gdb) info locals
No locals.
(gdb) down
#0  abs (v=v@entry=74) at simple.c:6
6      int result = v < 0 ? -v : v;
(gdb) info args
v = 74

Another useful info command is info reg which displays the values currently in the Pi's registers.

(gdb) info reg
ra             0x400000e8  0x400000e8 <diff+16>
sp             0x4fffffc0  0x4fffffc0
gp             0x0   0x0
tp             0x0   0x0
t0             0x0   0
t1             0x0   0
t2             0x0   0
fp             0x0   0x0
s1             0x0   0
a0             0x4a  74
a1             0x6b  107
a2             0x0   0
a3             0xb   11
a4             0x4   4
a5             0x0   0
a6             0x0   0
a7             0x0   0
s2             0x0   0
s3             0x0   0
s4             0x0   0
s5             0x0   0
s6             0x0   0
s7             0x0   0
s8             0x0   0
s9             0x0   0
s10            0x0   0
s11            0x0   0
t3             0x0   0
t4             0x0   0
t5             0x0   0
t6             0x0   0
pc             0x40000030  0x40000030 <abs>

What value is currently in a0? Why does a0 contain that value? (Consider: at what point in the program execution are we stopped right now? What was the last use of a0?) What value is in a1?

You can access a single register by using the syntax $regname, e.g. $a0.

(gdb) print $a1
$2 = 107

For further practice with gdb and stack frames, now try tracing and exploring with the factorial and make_array functions.

The factorial function operates recursively. Set a breakpoint on factorial so gdb will stop on each recursive call. Each time you hit the breakpoint, use backtrace to see how the stack changes as you get deeper into the recursion. Try moving up and down and use info frame and info args to view individual stack frames. Note how each invocation has its own copy of the parameter n.

The function make_array demonstrates how the stack is used for storage of local variables. A local variable of size 64 bits or fewer (i.e. int/long) is likely stored in a register without the overhead of writing to stack memory. Larger data structures, such as arrays and structs, that do not fit in a register must be stored on the stack. Set a breakpoint on the make_array function. Use info locals to see the array contents at the start of the function. Are the array elements initialized to any particular value? Step through the loop a few times and use info locals to see how the array is updated.

The goal of all this mucking about in gdb is to solidify your understanding the mechanics of function calls and the runtime stack. If there are portions you don't yet understand, ask your tablemates or the staff to resolve those questions now.

Now introduced to gdb, you'll want to incorporate it into your development process and to practice until you become comfortable and fluent. Gdb can help you learn more about how your C code translates to generated assembly, and being able to observe and manipulate your program while it is executing will be an invaluable aid when tracking down bugs.

In software development, only a small fraction of your time goes into writing the code, the rest is taken up in testing and debugging. These are important skills to hone and adept use of gdb can streamline your efforts by a significant factor. Developing your debugging superpowers will pay off many times over!

At this point, you should be able to answer the first check-in question2

3. C-strings

For this exercise, you will work with C-string functions and get further practice with unit-testing and debugging. Change to the lab3/cstrings directory and open the cstrings.c file in your editor.

The first string operation to look at is strlen. This function returns the count of characters in a C-string. How is it possible to determine where a C-string ends? Is the null terminator included in the count?

Review the given (correct) code for strlen in cstrings.c. It uses array subscripting on a variable declared as a pointer. Why is this legal? What does it mean to access the nth array element of a pointer variable?

The code for strlen is simple enough that you might feel confident calling it correct "by inspection", but let's use our unit testing strategy to truly confirm the behavior of the executing function.

Read through the test cases in the test_strlen. Compile the program and run it on the Pi (with make run, not make test in this case). Your test program should successfully run to completion. It is a correctly-implemented strlen function, as advertised.

Now, let's move on the strcpy operation. This function copies the characters from one string to another:

char *strcpy(char *dst, const char *src);

Pampered programmers who work on hosted systems receive strcpy as part of the standard library, but we must implement it ourselves for the Pi.

Functions in the standard library each have a man page that documents the function's use and behavior. Bring up the man page for strcpy.

$ man strcpy

Read the man page and then try implementing strcpy yourself. Does strcpy copy only the non-null characters or is the terminator included? If you're not sure, read the man page to confirm the expected behavior.

When you are ready to test your strcpy, review the test cases in the test_strcpy function. Uncomment the call to test_strcpy in main(). Use make run to rebuild the program and run it on the Pi.

If you get the blue flash of doom, dig in to find out what's gone wrong and work to resolve the issue. Don't move on until all tests pass and you earn the peace and quiet from your Pi.

4. Gdb and testing

You can also test a program by running within gdb in simulation mode. Let's try that now on the cstrings program from the previous exercise.

Debug strlen

Edit strlen to intentionally plant a bug, such as changing the function to always return 7. This will cause test failures in test_strlen. Use make run to build the program and run on the Pi and you get the flashing LED that indicates a failed assert.

Let's learn how that failed assert is presented under the debugger. Use make debug to get the buggy program under gdb and run it. There is no flashing light; the simulator is not talking to your Pi nor its peripherals. Your Pi doesn't even need to be connected!

What do you see in gdb? There is some output about a failed assertion and then the program appears to be stuck. Type Control-c to interrupt the program and use backtrace to see where the program is stopped.

[31;1mFile cstrings.c, line 27, in function test_strlen() : Assertion 'strlen("green") == 5' failed.

Breakpoint 2, mango_abort () at reference/mango.c:55
55  reference/mango.c: No such file or directory.

Reached mango_abort(), program had failed assertion.
(gdb) backtrace
#0  mango_abort () at reference/mango.c:55
#1  0x000000004000027c in test_strlen () at cstrings.c:27
#2  0x0000000040000454 in main () at cstrings.c:63

A-ha! When an assert fails, it calls mango_abort to blink the blue light. Given the simulator does not emulate the timer or GPIO peripherals, mango_abort behaves as a no-action infinite loop. By looking further into the backtrace, we learn that the failed assertion occurred on line 27 of the cstrings.c file (or some nearby line number, depending on how long your strcpy implementation was). Use list to see that code now:

(gdb) list cstrings.c:27
28 void test_strlen(void)
29 {
30     char *fruit = "watermelon";
32     assert(strlen("green") == 5);
33     assert(strlen("") ==  0);
34     assert(strlen(fruit) == 2 + strlen(fruit + 2));

This allows us to pinpoint exactly which assert failed (rather than have to comment-in-and-out tests one by one to find it). Hooray for gdb!

Restore strlen to its correct implementation, rebuild and run again under the debugger. All tests should pass. As expected, there is no blinking light from the simulator, but once again the program seems to have stopped. Type Control-c to interrupt the program and use backtrace to see what's going on. What evidence confirms that the program successfully ran to completion?

Tip Typing Control-c will interrupt the executing program and return control to the debugger. backtrace will show where the program was executing when it was interrupted.

Learn to recognize these two common situations:

  • a successful run to completion that is waiting at end of cstart/start (or possibly mango_reboot)
  • a failed assert in mango_abort attempting to flash a non-existent blue LED

Debug bogus_strlen_calls

Both strlen and strcpy have been shown to work correctly for valid calls. We are now going to do a little exploration into what happens for calls that misuse the functions.

Review the code in the aptly-named bogus_XXX functions. Get together with your tablemates and look at the three "bogus" calls. For each consider why it is invalid: what is improper about the C-string that is being passed as the argument?

The string functions in the standard C library are generally not robust against bad calls, especially those that ask a function to read or write invalid memory. The reason for this is not for performance or due to laziness – it's actually not possible for strlen to verify that its argument is a valid C-string. A char* is not necessarily a pointer to a string – it could be just a pointer to a single character. Furthermore the address might not have a char pointee at all – it could be an int stored there or the address might be completely invalid or contents uninitialized. The C language does not have a reliable means to determine the validity of a pointer and reject the bad ones.

Uncomment the call to one of the bonus functions in main(). Rebuild the program and run it under gdb. Single step through the call and print the value returned by the bad call. Is the result what you anticipated? What did you learn from this about the observed consequences of reading uninitialized or invalid memory? Confirm you understanding with this check-in question3

The dangers of C-strings

The fact that a C-string depends on a properly-placed NULL terminator to mark the end is tremendously unsafe. If you forget to write the terminator or forgot to account for that extra byte when allocating space, it can be easy to scribble over memory. For example, consider this code:

struct request {
  char* filename;
  char* host;

void process_request(struct request* request) {
  char filename[128];
  strcpy(filename, request->filename);

This code might seem contrived, but it's similar to what a lot of web server code looked like in the early 2000s. Recall from lecture that variables allocated inside functions are put on the stack: filename is an array of 128 bytes on the stack.

Talk with your neighbor: what happens if request->filename is longer than 128 characters? What will the call to strcpy do? How might this cause software to fail or act unpredictably? If this code existed in a critical context, could it cause a serious failure? It's useful to note that that the git codebase (source code for the git program itself) bans the use of strcpy. Instead, you always are supposed to use strncpy, which has an explicit maximum length for copying. E.g., this code would be OK:

struct request {
  char *filename;
  char *host;

void process_request(struct request *request) {
  char filename[128];
  // 127 to make sure there's space for a \0
  stnrcpy(filename, request->filename, 127);

Check in with TA

Answer these questions that probe on topics from the lab and review your answers with the TA to confirm your understanding.

  1. Why is it necessary to plug in both TX and RX for the echo program to work correctly? 

  2. What gdb commands can you use to interrupt an program and figure out where the program is executing and view current program state (values of registers, parameters, variables, etc.)? 

  3. On a hosted system, executing an incorrect call to strlen (e.g. argument is an invalid address or unterminated string) can result in a runtime error (crash/halt). But when running bare metal on the Pi, every call to strlen (whether well-formed or not) will complete "successfully" and return a value. Explain the difference in behavior. What will be the return value for an erroneous call?Â