Lab 4: Linked and Loaded

Lab written by Pat Hanrahan and Julie Zelenski


During this lab you will:

  • Understand how executing programs are laid out in memory, including the organization of stack frames.
  • Explore the stack and heap in preparation for assignment 4.
  • Experiment with the linker ld, with the goal of understanding what is in an object (ELF) file by using nm, and how object files are combined to produce an executable.
  • Diagnose and resolve common build failures.

Prelab preparation

To prepare for lab, do the following:

Lab exercises

0. Pull lab starter code

Change to your local mycode repo and pull in the lab starter code:

$ cd ~/cs107e_home/mycode
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull code-mirror lab4-starter

1. Stack

Change to the directory lab4/stack. You are going to trace the execution of a small program in the example.c file. Have a printed copy of the program's starting memory diagram ready for making notes.

Build the program using make debug and use start to begin program under the simulator and stop at main, poke around to make observations of the current state.

Temporary breakpoint 5, main () at example.c:32
5   int main(void) {
(gdb) x/10i 0x40000000
(gdb) x/12i main
(gdb) print $pc
(gdb) x/4wx $sp

The starting memory diagram shows the state of memory up to the point where main was called. What is shown in the diagram should match the observations you make in gdb. Here are some key details to take a look at:

  • Look at the memory diagram and find addresses 0x40000000 to 0x400001e8. This is the "text" section, containing binary-encoded instructions. The instructions for main begin at address 0x400001bc.
  • The gdb x command ("examine memory") can be used to display contents of memory as though it were an array.
    • Use help x to learn more about the options for repeat count, format, and size.
    • Try x/10i 0x40000000. This command prints 10 instructions (10i) starting at address 0x40000000.
    • You can also use the name of a symbol in place of an address, such as x/12i main. Confirm that the instructions for main match the contents shown in the memory diagram.
  • print $pc to see value of pc register. Confirm that pc corresponds to the first instruction of main. This is where the program is currently stopped.
  • The stack pointer was initialized to address 0x50000000 and grows downward as new values are pushed. Where the program is stopped, the stack contains just one stack frame for the function _cstart. That frame is size 16 bytes and occupies locations 0x4ffffff0- 0x4ffffffc on the stack.
    • Try examine x/4wx $sp to display four words in hex (4wx) starting from address sp. ("word" is 32-bits) This command shows the topmost four words on the stack – neat!
    • This should match what is shown in the memory diagram for the stack frame.

gdb commands to single step by assembly instruction

You have previously used the gdb step command to execute a single C statement, today you'll be using the low-level stepi command to execute a single assembly instruction. The gdb display command can be used to set up an expression to be auto-printed after each command. One handy command to try right now is display/i $pc to auto-print the instruction at $pc. Thus, as you single-step, gdb will auto-print the next instruction to be executed.

(gdb) display/i $pc
=> 0x400001bc <main>:   add sp,sp,-16

Trace function prolog

Use disassemble main to view its assembly instructions:

(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
=> 0x00000000400001bc <+0>: add sp,sp,-16
   0x00000000400001c0 <+4>: sd  ra,8(sp)
   0x00000000400001c4 <+8>: sd  s0,0(sp)
   0x00000000400001c8 <+12>:    add s0,sp,16
   0x00000000400001cc <+16>:    li  a1,7
   0x00000000400001d0 <+20>:    li  a0,5
   0x00000000400001d4 <+24>:    jal 0x40000104 <combine>
   0x00000000400001d8 <+28>:    jal 0x40000170 <follow_me>
   0x00000000400001dc <+32>:    ld  ra,8(sp)
   0x00000000400001e0 <+36>:    ld  s0,0(sp)
   0x00000000400001e4 <+40>:    add sp,sp,16
   0x00000000400001e8 <+44>:    ret
End of assembler dump.

The first few instructions of a function set up the stack frame. These instructions are called the function prolog. A reciprocal set of instructions at the end of the function (the function epilog) tear down the frame. The prolog and epilog of every function are similar in spirit, but the specifics differ somewhat based on how many registers are saved and the space needed for local variables. The instructions in the middle are the body of the function and they differ based on the function's specific operation.

We want you to carefully trace the instructions in the function prolog to understand how the stack frame is set up. Have your printed memory diagram on hand and as you trace, manually update the diagram to add the stack frame for main. As you work it out by hand, you can also gdb to single-step and print/examine updated values of registers/memory and confirm that values match your expectation. Ask questions and discuss with your labmates to help one another get the full picture.

Here is a walkthrough of the prolog instructions:

  1. add sp,sp,-16
    • This first instruction adjusts the stack pointer down by 16 bytes. This is setting aside 16 bytes of space on the stack to be used as the stack frame for the function main.
    • The RISC-V ABI requires that the stack pointer always be aligned to a multiple of 16, so sometimes the adjustment includes some padding (e.g. say only 24 bytes were needed, it would adjust the stack pointer by 32 to meet the alignment rule).
  2. sd ra,8(sp) and sd fp/s0,0(sp)
    • The next two instructions save the values of the ra and fp registers to the stack.
    • An sd instruction reads the full 64-bit register (d = "double-word") and stores to the destination address.
    • Note that fp is the symbolic name for register s0. Although gdb accepts $fp as a synomyn for $s0, it always refers to the register as s0. In this writeup, we refer to the register as fp/s0 to keep two names connected in your mind.
    • Every RISC-V stack frame starts with these same two saved registers. The first register stored to the stack frame is always ra and underneath it is fp/s0
      • saved ra
        • What is the ra register used for? What will be the value of the ra register when starting the function main?
        • The ra is an address in the text segment. In your memory diagram, write in that value and draw an arrow that points to that address. Which function is this address contained in? What is the meaning of that value relative to the currently executing function?
        • Why might it be useful for the frame to store a saved copy of ra? What does it tell you about where the function was called from?
      • saved fp/s0
        • The fp/s0 is an address in the stack. Where in the stack does this address point to?
        • Why might it be useful for the frame to contain a saved copy of fp/s0`? How can this be used as part of a backtrace operation?
  3. add s0,sp,16
    • The final instruction of the prolog sets fp/s0 to "anchor" the frame.
    • After executing this instruction, where does fp/s0 point? Relative to this anchor, at what offset can you find the saved ra? the saved fp/s0?

The next few instructions of main set the values for the parameters and make a call to the function combine. Single-step to enter the combine function. Use disassemble combine to view its assembly instruction and note that it starts with the same function prolog. Trace/single-step through the prolog, and update memory diagram to add the stack frame for combine.

Having traced the frame setup twice, hopefully you are starting to get a feel for how the stack operates. Each function has same starting sequence: adjust the stack pointer to make space, store the saved ra and fp/s0 to the stack, then anchor the fp/s0.

Compare your memory diagram with your tablemates. Ask questions of each other and resolve any discrepancies. We want everyone to have a rock solid undertanding of how a stack frame is laid out and what each of the values mean. Check in with us to confirm your understanding. 1

Function epilog

The last four instructions of combine are the function epilog. These instructions tear down the stack frame and restore caller-owned registers before returning to the caller. The epilog simply reverses of the operations done in the prolog, i.e. restores the registers to the value they had at funtion entry and returns stack returned to starting state.

Here is a walkthrough of the epilog instructions of combine:

  1. ld ra,8(sp) and ld s0,0(sp)
    • This restores the ra and fp/s0 registers to the values they had on entry to the function.
  2. add sp,sp,16
    • This adjusts sp to remove the frame from the stack.
  3. ret
    • Return control to the caller and resume execution at the instruction at ra address.

Stack frame local variables

Let's look at one other function, make_array. This function declares an array local variable. This array will be stored in the function's stack frame.

int make_array(void) {
    int array[6];
    array[2] = 9;
    array[0] = 13;
    return sum(array, 6);
Dump of assembler code for function make_array:
   0x0000000040000134 <+0>: add sp,sp,-48
   0x0000000040000138 <+4>: sd  ra,40(sp)
   0x000000004000013c <+8>: sd  s0,32(sp)
   0x0000000040000140 <+12>:    add s0,sp,48
   0x0000000040000144 <+16>:    li  a5,9
   0x0000000040000148 <+20>:    sw  a5,-32(s0)
   0x000000004000014c <+24>:    li  a5,13
   0x0000000040000150 <+28>:    sw  a5,-40(s0)
   0x0000000040000154 <+32>:    li  a1,6
   0x0000000040000158 <+36>:    add a0,s0,-40
   0x000000004000015c <+40>:    jal 0x400000c4 <sum>
   0x0000000040000160 <+44>:    ld  ra,40(sp)
   0x0000000040000164 <+48>:    ld  s0,32(sp)
   0x0000000040000168 <+52>:    add sp,sp,48
   0x000000004000016c <+56>:    ret
End of assembler dump.

Look at the assembly for make_array and do a quick sketch of its stack frame.

  • How much additional space is allocated on the stack for the array local variable?
  • How are the contents of the array initialized (or not)?
  • If the code erroneously wrote to an index past the end of this stack-allocated array, what data would be corrupted? What kind of consequence might result from this error?
  • If the code erroneously returned the address of a stack-allocated array, what might happen when the caller try to access the memory at that address?

Writing outside the bounds of a stack-allocated array can be a devastating error. The array is located in stack memory nearby to the saved values for key registers such as fp/s0 and ra. Writing past the array can overwrite these precious saved values which then causes execution to "teleport" to a completely nonsensical place. Even writing a single extra byte is too far when the array immediately abuts a critical saved value. Ouch! Stack corruption can be an utterly mystifying experience the first time you encounter it. Knowing how the stack housekeeping is managed should give you helpful insights into recognizing the problem and debugging it.

Solving a stack mystery

Your newfound understanding of how the stack is managed is a neat superpower that you can now test out. Here is a mystery diagram of the example program stopped somewhere else in its execution. In this diagram, the stack is not annotated with labels and frame divisions as before. The stack memory looks to be a inscrutable jumble of hex numbers. However, the current value of fp/s0 and sp are marked. How can you use these anchors to get a foothold to the stack frame of the currently executing function? How can you then work backwards from there to the frame of the caller and its caller and so on? Manually unwind and annotate the stack memory with labels to identify each stack frame and its contents. You have just produced your first backtrace!

2. Heap

Change to the directory lab4/heapclient to begin your foray in heap allocation. So far we have stored our data either as local variables on the stack or global variables in the data segment. The functions malloc and free offer another option, this one with more precise control of the size and lifetime and greater versatility at runtime.

Study the program heapclient.c. The tokenize function is used to dissect a string into a sequence of space-separated tokens. The function calls on the not-yet-implemented function char *strndup(const char *src, size_t n) to make a copy of each token. The intended behavior of strndup is to return a new string containing the first n characters of the src string.

Talk over with your partner why it would not be correct for strndup to declare a local array variable in its stack frame to store the new string. When a function exits, its stack frame is deallocated and the memory is recycled for use by the next function call. What would be the consequence if strndup mistakenly returns a pointer to memory contained within its to-be-deallocated stack frame?

Instead strndup must allocate space from the heap, so that the data can persist after the function exits. Edit strndup to use a call to malloc to request the necessary number of bytes. How many total bytes of space are needed to store a string with n characters?

Now that you have the necessary memory set aside, what function from the strings module can you call to copy the first n characters from the src string to the new memory?

What is the final step you must take to complete the new string? (Hint: how is the end of a string marked?)

Once you have completed your implementation of strndup to make a proper heap copy of the string, build and run the program to verify your code is correct.

Unlike stack and global memory, which is automatically deallocated on your behalf, you must explicitly free dynamic memory when you are done with it. For the finishing touch, edit main to add the necessary calls to free to properly deallocate all of the heap memory it used. You're ready for this check-in question.2

3. Linking and memmap

In this exercise, you will repeat some of the live coding demonstrations shown in the lecture on linking and loading.

Let's first review some terminology. An object file (also called an .o file or a relocatable) is the result of compiling and assembling a single source file. An object file is on its way to becoming a runnable program, but it's not finished. The linker takes over from there to combine the object file with additional object files and libraries. The linker is responsible for resolving inter-module references and relocating symbols to their final location. The output of the linker is an executable file, this represents a full program that is ready to run.

Symbols in object files

Change to the linking directory of lab4. Read over the code in the files start.s and cstart.c and then build the object files start.o and cstart.o:

$ make start.o cstart.o

The tool nm lists the symbols in an object file. Each function, variable, and constant declared at the top-level in the module is a symbol. Try nm out now:

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-nm -n start.o cstart.o

What symbols are listed for start.o? For cstart.o? How do the symbols listed correspond to the functions defined in the source files? What is the significance of the number shown in the left column for each symbol? What do each of the single letters T, U, and t in the second column mean?

Skim the man page to learn a little bit about this tool and the variety of symbol types:

$ man riscv64-unknown-elf-nm

Our modules will typically contain text (code) symbols and data symbols (with variants common, uninitialized, read-only). What is the significance of upper versus lowercase for the symbol type? What does the -n flag do? What about the -l flag? Try adding it to your call to riscv64-unknown-elf-nm and see what happens.

Let's look at the symbols in a more complex object file. Review the variable definitions in the source file linking.c. Build linking.o and view its symbol list:

$ make linking.o
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-nm -n linking.o

How many symbols are listed for linking.o? What do the single letter symbols D, R, and b mean in the nm output?

Can you match each function/variable definition in linking.c to its symbol in the nm output? A few of the variables defined seem to have been completely optimized out, what made that possible? None of the parameters or stack-local variables in linking.c are listed as symbols, why not?

Symbols in an executable

After compiling each individual source file into an object file, the final build step is to link the object files and libraries into a program executable. The three object files we examined above are linked together in linking.elf. Use make linking.elf to perform the link step and then use nm to look at the symbols in the final executable.

$ make linking.elf
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-nm -n linking.elf

The executable contains the union of the symbols in the three object files. What is the order of the symbols in the executable? How have the symbol addresses changed during the link process? Do any undefined symbols remain?

The compiler processes only a single module (file) at a time and thus it can only resolve references to symbols that appear within the module currently being compiled. The linker runs in a subsequent pass to perform tasks that require joining across modules. The process of filling in the missing placeholder addresses with the final symbol locations is known as resolution.

The linker is given a list of object files to process and it will combine the files together and arrange symbols into their final locations (relocation) and resolve cross-module references (resolution).

Answer the check-in question on linking.3


As part of the relocation process, the linker places all of the symbols into their final location. You supply a memory map to the linker to indicate the layout of the sections. Let's look into this file to better understand its purpose and function.

Change to the lab4/linking directory and use nm to see the final locations of all the symbols in the executable.

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-nm -n linking.elf

Note how all symbols of a given type (text, data, rodata, etc.) are grouped together into one section.

Now open the file memmap.ld in your text editor. memmap.ld is a linker script, which tells the linker how to lay out the sections in the final executable file.

  • Do you see how the memmap.d linker script specifies how sections from individual files are to be combined?

  • One of the purposes of memmap.ld is to ensure that the symbol _start appears first in the executable file. Why is it critical that this function be first? How does memmap.ld specify where _start should be placed?

  • Another purpose of memmap.ld is to setup block storage of uninitialized variables. Look for the symbols __bss_start and __bss_end. Where are those symbols placed? In a C program, uninitialized global variables are to be set to 0 at program start. How does _cstart use the bss start/end symbols to zero the unset variables?

Our projects use our standard memmap.ld, which defines the layout for a standard bare-metal C program for the Mango Pi. You are unlikely to need to edit or customize it. However, if you curious to learn more, see the documentation on linker scripts.

4. Diagnosing build errors

A benefit to learning the tools and steps of the build process is that this understanding gives you the needed insight to diagnose and resolve build errors.

Change to the build_errors directory of lab4. There are four subfolders, each containing a small project that has a build error. C

Change to each directory and try to build the project and see if you can diagnose the error and fix the project so it builds.

  • Which tool is reporting a problem? (preprocessor, compiler, assembler, linker, make, …)
  • What is the warning/error message? What is this message trying to communicate?
  • What can you change that will correct the problem?

You're ready for the final check-in question.4

Check in with TA

Each question below is a diagnostic question for a lab section. Test your understanding by answering the corresponding question as you finish an exercise. We encourage you to check in with a TA after completing a section or two, while the material is still fresh in your mind.

  1. Show us your completed memory diagram for the example program stopped in combine (or even better, the annotated mystery diagram if you deciphered it). Here is our copy of stopped in combine and mystery deciphered if you'd like to compare your answers. 

  2. How should the number of free calls relate to the number of malloc calls in a correctly-written program that uses heap allocation? 

  3. Compare the symbol list from nm linking.o to nm linking.elf. How do the symbol addresses from an object file differ from the addresses in the linked executable? How does the instruction jal _cstart change after linking? 

  4. Explain the difference between an error from forgetting to #include "module.h" versus forgetting to link against module.o